Simcord Offers Strategic Partnership

Open Management
Guided by the principles of openness and transparency when making management decisions, the Company invites specialists and experts in various areas of economy, finance and law for productive cooperation in order to form and develop innovative business environment based on blockchain technologies.
We are looking for managers of big IT companies and corporations, exchange trading specialists, financial and legal experts as well as public figures to become our Independent Directors.
management in the Regulations on Matrix Management Structure of SIMCORD
on the “Structure of Simcord” page.
Scientific and Legal Fields
Distributed ledger technology (blockchain) allows developing new models of economic and legal relations. Simcord is forming a scientific and legal basis for development of the digital economy based on information and ways of its application in building new social and economic relations.
We are looking for lawyers, scientists and researchers to work with us as Advisers on forming the definitions and principles of operation of the new economic model with further integration into global processes.

we can make the world a better place.

Development of the Bitbon System
The Bitbon System is a complex mechanism for creating a global digital ecosystem based on new economic and legal relations the foundation of which are technologies of public distributed ledgers (blockchain).
We are looking for representatives of business community, financial institutions, governments and public organizations to cooperate with us as Bitbon System Operators. Join us in building a new socially-oriented network of the future.
leave information about yourself, and we will definitely contact you.