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Results of the Roundtable of the Research Center of Legal Solutions in the Area of Application of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Results of the Roundtable of the Research Center of Legal Solutions in the Area of Application of Distributed Ledger Technologies

On December 11, 2019, a roundtable of the Research Center of Legal Solutions in the Area of Application of Distributed Ledger Technologies on “Standards of Blockchain Tools” took place in the International Convention Center “Ukrainian House” in Kyiv.

Здание Международного конгресс-центра Украинский дом

The roundtable was organized with support from the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, NGO “RC of Legal Solutions in the Area of Application of Distributed Ledger Technologies” and Simcord Company. The representatives of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University Mykola Kucheriavenko and Yevhen Smychok, as well as Simcord CEO Alexander Kud were the moderators of the roundtable.

Круглый стол в Международном конгресс-центре Украинский дом

The activity of the Research Center that initiated the roundtable is aimed at developing and systematizing the terminology and categorical apparatus of legal documents that regulate the blockchain technology in Ukraine, as well as at integrating the blockchain technology into public administration.

Over the course of the event, the topics of discussion included the main principles of the blockchain technology’s operation, legal nature of a blockchain token and its regulation, as well as the issues of the existing approaches to defining the main blockchain tools and their impact on forming a new regulatory base. Additionally, the participants defined the next steps for developing and introducing new legislative initiatives and regulatory documentation for the development of the market of information resources, products and services based on distributed ledger technologies in Ukraine.

Модераторы круглого стола (А. Кудь. Н. Кучерявенко, Е. Смычок) и участники

You can get more detailed information about the event, participants and main topics of the discussion by following the link: https://www.blockchainukraine.org

To conclude the roundtable “Standards of Blockchain Tools”, the final protocol was signed, which includes the following solutions:

  • to organize the platform for creating the Doctrine of Economic and Legal Regulation of the Market of Information Resources, Products and Services Based on Distributed Ledger Technologies in Ukraine;
  • to notify participants of opportunities and conditions for its use upon the creation of the mentioned platform;
  • while drawing up the future Doctrine, to use terminological apparatus and methods suggested in the monograph “Digital Assets and Their Economic and Legal Regulation in the Light of the Blockchain Technology Development”.

In addition, the decision was made to hold a meeting of the members of the Research Center of Legal Solutions in the Area of Application of Distributed Ledger Technologies in April 2020, where the Doctrine of Economic and Legal Regulation of the Market of Information Resources, Products and Services Based on Distributed Ledger Technologies in Ukraine will be approved.

You can view the final protocol of the international roundtable by following the link: https://www.blockchainukraine.org/final-protocol-international-roundtable-standards-blockchain-tools.pdf