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Regulations on Matrix Management Structure of Simcord. Version 2.1

Regulations on Matrix Management Structure of Simcord. Version 2.1

In 2019, in order to make its management structure more flexible and adaptable to the dynamic changes in the business environment, Simcord implemented the “Regulations on Matrix Management Structure of SIMCORD”. This change, among other things, allowed not only implementing various activities of the Company through projects and activity areas, but also reacting to the changes of the outside world with its new conditions in due time.

The established management model allows the Company to maintain its production potential, ensure operation of all structural units and complete all tasks in a timely manner in order to achieve its global goals and keep the development pace. Meanwhile, we find new reasons to improve the management structure of Simcord at each stage of our work, which allows the Company to conduct its activity with the expected effectiveness. This was the main reason for updating the “Regulations on Matrix Management Structure of SIMCORD” and, therefore, the basis for the corresponding changes.

You can find the new version 2.1 of the Regulations on Matrix Management Structure of SIMCORD on the official information resource of the Company.