Today a website dedicated to the III Kharkiv International Legal Forum on the topic “Evolution of Economic and Legal Relations in the Light of the Blockchain Technology Development” has been launched. This event will be held in Kharkiv from September 24 to 28, 2019 with the support of the general partner, Simcord Company, as well as the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
This forum was established in 2017 as an open international platform for discussing the most relevant issues in the field of jurisprudence. The mission of the forum is to attract representatives of the legal community worldwide to cooperate in the development of the most efficient approaches and ways to optimize the conditions for the stable development of a number of areas, including the business field.
This year, Simcord, together with the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, initiated a panel discussion on the issue of Digital Assets within the framework of the forum in order to set the standards for the methodology and legal regulation of such assets, as well as to make them clear for accounting and taxation. In many aspects, the III Kharkiv International Legal Forum is determining for further development of the information economy based on the Blockchain technology using Digital Assets. Therefore, in the future, this event will be important not only for Ukraine, but also for the whole world.
You can read the program of the forum by following the link: