Simcord continues to expand its product line and improve existing products and services, attracting more new Partners and Customers from different countries and developing successful activities in present-day realities.
Today, Simcord’s official information resource was updated due to a new vision of its architecture and content. The aim of this update was to make it easier for users to learn about the Company’s activities and quickly decide on the most interesting areas of cooperation.
Now the information about the Company and its activities on the website is not only structured and complete, but interesting and quite concise as well. The focus was made on more informative and simple format that gives a quick understanding of the Company’s products and services and their characteristics, among which the Bitbon System as Simcord’s priority project has a special place.
In our opinion, special attention should be given to the Company’s sustainable development strategy until 2035, which, due to considerable elaboration of key stages, clarification and specifics, has become more systematized and consequently is now based on the updated concept.
A new version of the Regulations on Matrix Management Structure was also published, which reflects changes in Simcord’s activity areas and includes information on the Project Management Office (a new organizational unit), the main function of which is to coordinate and monitor project activities taking into account the Company’s decentralized management.
Welcome to Simcord’s official information resource of a new format!