There are just a few days left before the year 2022, and of course we all expect this year to bring stability and confidence in the future based on which we can make plans and then turn everything planned into reality. Nowadays, in all spheres of life, without exception, stability and predictability directly depend on the global situation related to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and new coronavirus strains.
Simcord is a part of this world and, of course, it reacts to its global changes, which force the Company to postpone launches of new products and services, as well as to reschedule events of various topics and formats. However, despite these challenging circumstances, the Company maintains its operating cycle and performs its activities according to the development strategy, albeit with forced adjustments in the priority and timing of tasks.
Let us note some of the most important events, in our opinion, which happened in Simcord in 2021.

Firstly, the Company’s specialists continued to develop new components and services, implementation of which to the Bitbon System infrastructure will provide Users of this social network of economic relations with opportunities to conduct new activities both in the Bitbon System itself and on other blockchain platforms that will be possible through specialized services of the System. In general, a large amount of work was done in various activity areas that allowed the Company to update the Bitbon System Public Contract (it was presented in a new format and with significant amendments), as well as to plan a list of tasks for 2022.

Secondly, the Company and the Research Center of Economic and Legal Solutions in the Area of Application of Distributed Ledger Technologies continued their active and fruitful cooperation in the field of legislation. One of the most important results of this cooperation was registration of the Draft Law “On Tokenized Assets and Crypto-Assets”. Thus, the international roundtable “Virtual Assets in the Development of National Economy” (initiated by the Research Center of Blockchain Solutions) was held on September 30, 2021, and Simcord was its general sponsor.

Thirdly, following the principles of openness and transparency in its activity, Simcord created its own repository on GitHub — the biggest service for hosting open source IT projects and their joint development. The first publication in this repository was the source code of the Bitbon System’s node software.
We understand that not all we have done is obvious to our Partners and Customers because it consists of a large number of small subtasks at different stages. However, it is their implementation that allows us to fulfil more global and significant tasks, which correspond to Simcord’s strategy.
Summing up the year 2021, we would like to inform our Partners and Customers that for the next year we surely have a plan to implement many large-scale as well as small tasks of updating our information resources, including the official website of the Company, as well as of launching new products and services. Despite those challenges, which many IT companies and not only they currently face, we will make every effort to fulfil our plans.
On the eve of the New Year, we would like to thank our entire community for understanding and massive support, which we can see and feel at all levels.
Dear Partners and Customers, may the New Year 2022 bring you financial well-being, implementation of your plans, stability throughout the world and in your families to achieve new levels and prosperity together with Simcord!