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Development of International Partnerships

Development of International Partnerships

Simcord conducts its activities in accordance with the development strategy available on the official website in order to achieve its strategic goals and productive interaction with stakeholders. At the same time, Simcord ensures the implementation of organizational and administrative mechanisms and the modernization of the Bitbon System Social Network as well as enhances processes for developing and maintaining the Bitbon System infrastructure.

In order to effectively perform the functions of the First Operator of the Bitbon System, Simcord acted as one of the parties to the agreement with the non-public company GLOBAL DAM COMPUTER SOFTWARE TRADING CO. LLC (UAE, Dubai). A deal was concluded with this company to transfer 528,000.00 Bitbon units in order to use the infrastructure of the Bitbon System, including the possibility of selling Bitbon units to third parties at any price, but not less than USD 15 per 1 Bitbon unit as an integral part of the Bitbon software in the form of an activation code.

Currently, Simcord is considering several more proposals for cooperation in specific areas, which will add momentum and potential to the development of the integral infrastructure of the Bitbon System.