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Simcord Participation in the German-Ukrainian Economic Forum “Kharkiv — Development and Investments”

Simcord Participation in the German-Ukrainian Economic Forum “Kharkiv — Development and Investments”

November 6, 2018, the German-Ukrainian economic forum “Kharkiv — Development and Investments” took place in the conference hall of the Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Germany).

Представители форума

The event was held on the initiative of the Kharkiv City Council and with the support of the German-Ukrainian Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry within the Day of Economy in Kharkiv.

The administration of the Kharkiv City Council and the International Cooperation Department of the Kharkiv City Council invited Simcord Company to take part in the forum.

In addition to the official delegation of the Kharkiv City Council, headed by Deputy Mayor of Kharkiv, Tetiana Chechetova-Terashvili, Yuriy Yarmilko (Consul General of Ukraine in Munich), Armin Siegert (Head of the International Department, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Nuremberg), Marco von Dobschütz-Dietl (Department for Economic Affairs of Nuremberg) and other honored guests attended the forum.

Alexander Markus Alexander Markus
Tetiana Chechetova-Terashvili Tetiana Chechetova-Terashvili
Armin Siegert Armin Siegert

The first part of the event was dedicated to the theme “German-Ukrainian Business: Aspects and Development Trends” (speaker — Alexander Markus, Chairman of the Board of the German-Ukrainian Chamber of Industry and Commerce).

During the second part of the forum, Tetiana Chechetova-Terashvili made a presentation of Kharkiv economic potential, main infrastructure projects and business opportunities.

The third part of the event “Legal Framework for Doing German Business in Ukraine” was held by Speaker Klaus Kessler (Lawyer and Partner of the law firm “Roedl & Partner”, Kуiv).

During the fourth part of the forum “Kharkiv — Best Opportunities for Business”, the representatives of Ukrainian and German business made speeches and shared their working experience in this direction with all the participants of the event, spoke about the obtained results and ways of addressing current issues.

Simcord delegation presented their brief overview of hi-tech business development in Ukraine by the example of modern innovations in various industrial fields and the statistical indicators characterizing the growth of IT companies both in Kharkiv and in the whole country.

Mikhail Petriaiev, Director for External Economic Activity of Simcord Company and Andrii Tsehelnyk, Director of the Software Development Department of Simcord Company, presented the main projects and activities of Simcord as well as the main development directions of the Kharkiv IT industry to the forum participants.

Mikhail Petriaiev Mikhail Petriaievв

The forum “Kharkiv — Development and Investments” ended with B2B negotiations within a framework of business meetings in which Simcord representatives took an active part.

You can find more information about cooperation between the twin cities Kharkiv and Nuremberg by clicking on the following link.

Участие компании Simcord в немецко-украинском экономическом форуме